Procedures for Potential Property Owners




Please provide us your information for making appointment.

請留下聯絡資料, 我們會與你相約睇樓時間。

2. Property viewing


Once the appointment is confirmed, we will view the property with you. Each viewing costs £100. During the viewing, we would point out the potential refurbishment works required and the costs; a draft quotation will be provided by email within 3 working days.

確認時間後, 我們會與準業主一起視察物業。每次視察的費用為 £100, 我們會即時提出可能需要的裝修工程及大概價錢, 並於 3 個工作天內以書面提供草擬報價。

Should you confirmed to buy the property, welcome to contact us again to learn the services for property owner.

假如你確定購入該物業, 成為業主後, 歡迎再與我們聯絡, 了解我們為業主提供的服務